FIRKHAM HALL Welcomes you to the long gallery of fine historical portraits....

This is where many of the Firkham ancestors hang out..

Monica Lisa Firkham (1480- ? )


At the tender age of eighteen, Monica embarked on her "Le Grande Tour". (As the young Firkhams have done for generations!) Like the majority of the female family members, she tended to travel Europe on her back. (This genetic trait re-curs regulary throughout Firkham history!)
Surprisingly for such a strikingly ugly young woman Monica enjoyed some moderate success as an "Artist's model" until she suddenly dropped out of sight in Florence Circa.1500.--- That should have been the end of the story of Monica!
On August 21,1911, A famous painting was stolen from the Louvre, by an Italian thief, who brought the painting to Italy. It re-emerged, two years later, at the Firkham residence in Florence.
Enter my grandfather, Lord Firkham, who had uncovered some old correspondence relating to the (cursory) search for Monica all those years ago. These documents revealed that Monica's Uncle Lenny had been approached to assist, yet for reasons best known to himself the old lecher had declined.
His suspicions aroused, Lord Firkham arranged to have the painting X-rayed and was rewarded by the dicovery of a sketched likeness of his long lost relative under the paint! --- RUN YOUR MOUSE OVER THE PAINTING!
More on Great, great, great, great, great uncle Lenny da Vinci

Lizzie Firkham (1533-1603)

Queen Elizabeth I[Great,Great,Great,Great Auntie Betty]

Fiery Auntie Betty, she had a terrible temper. She became queen through sheer tenacity and upset a lot of johnny foreigners. Philip the dago (King of Spain) was a bit smitten by her charms but she blew him out.
He was so upset that he set his armada onto us but we did'nt notice because the weather was so bloody awful.
Betty had a fancy for Sir Francis Drakes' bowls but he was more interested in his sailor boys and she died a childless spinster.

Thomas Firkham-Hobbes

Thomas Hobbes [Dear Cousin Hobbesy]

Affectionately Known as Hobbesy, Tommy was a bookworm who founded the World-Famous Firkham library and went on to become a public pain in the arse.

Sir Charles Firkham (1600- ? )

The Laughing Cavalier [Great, Great Uncle Charlie]

Good old Uncle Charlie... always up for a laugh. Unfortunately he got into some serious trouble when one of his pranks went wrong and his old mate King Charles I lost his head.
Charlie did a runner and was never heard of again.

John Firkham (1632-1704)

John Locke [Cousin (I've got a plan) John]

Cousin John was a bit of a thinker.Credited with expanding the Firkham Library.He changed his name to Locke and damned near lost all of the Firkham assetts with the infernal treatise he published.
Bloody fool cost us a fortune...we had to replace all our serfs!

Francois Marie Arouet de Voltaire-Firkham

Francois Marie Arouet de Voltaire [cousin sparky]

"Sparky" took over the library when Cousin John died. After he accidently incinerated a few books he replaced them with his own self penned "bodice-rippers". These proved extremely popular with the public and he became an international best selling author. Sadly today he is only remembered for a few dusty old tomes he knocked out while he was depressed.

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